Gut food and the Gbiota club
We are not selling turnips or cabbages we are providing a system where people can have ready and affordable access to gut food.
Our guts are a real brain. They form part of an intelligent control system which manages our bodies, particularly our appetite and so decides how much and what food we want to eat and how much and where we store fat. Our guts are also home to the bulk of our immune system. Poor guts health is at the source of modern chronic diseases such as diabetes, obesity and its related heart attacks, dementia etc. A health gut is really important.
But to have a healthy gut means we need the right biology in the first place and we need to feed it the right sort of food. When people find out how gut food is grown the whole idea puts most people off, which is why you can’t buy gut food from the supermarket or in a bottle from the chemist.
Healthy gut biology starts in the guts of creatures that live in the soil, particularly worms. This biology passes from the guts of these animals and into the plants where if we eat them soon after they are harvested they will enter out guts and the plants will provide them with food so they will flourish.
We, and all animals, have been doing this for millions of years but the whole idea is totally at odds with our modern antiseptic society so eating gut food will always be for a minority group.
We know how to grow gut food, you have to have soil which is full of creature of the soil -mainly worms. To feed the creatures, the soils must be full of organic matter and a broad spectrum of minerals for the worms to live on.
We have to manage the moisture levels very carefully – worms are very fussy about water – a real Goldilocks story – not too much and not too little.
And we have to avoid chemicals which will harm the beneficial biology – modern chemicals may not hurt us but they can be a disaster for micro-biology.
And we have to eat the plants shortly after they are harvested before the beneficial biology dies.
All this is a more expensive process than modern chemical industrial farming and supermarket system and to many people quite revolting, which is why we don’t see gut food products on super market shelves.
The alternative is to join or form a local Gbiota club which is essentially a buying coop. With enough members and buying power they can seek out willing growers, the club organises group transport (shopping expeditions) to collect and distribute the produce directly from the growers to members.
Members buy on line directly from the growers using the while the plants are still in the ground, they are harvested and delivered within hours at a final cost which is competitive, if not cheaper than the conventional super market system.
Step 1
Is to go to join up by registering and see if there is a local club in your area. It not you will need to recruit a few friends and friends of friends to get enough members to form a club.
They can search for clubs in their area and they can also click on the ‘support’ icon at
Lead members can register as ‘support’ vendors to support the activities of their local club.
Step 2
Is to locate and persuade some local growers to set up Gbiota beds and grow gut food. They will also need to create their home page on which described the growing systems they are using.
Step 3
Is for members to search through the local growers and select which ones they want to be their growers. Growers can promote produce they have approaching being ready for sale or, in the true traditions of community supported agriculture they may came to an arrangement to custom grow certain products.
Step 4
Is for members to click on transport to see when the next pick up and delivery service is due. They then book the delivery and go back to the growers and place their orders for that pick up and delivery.